Strength Verification of Components V1

Supports Ansys: 19.2
Target Application: Mechanical
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Product Info
A lite-weight extension that allows for a static strength verification of non-welded components, made of steel or aluminum alloy, within ANSYS mechanical. It is based on the assessment of the static strength using local stresses demonstrated within the FKM-Guideline [1] and appropriately takes the effects of temperature, the state of stress, anisotropy as well as the decrease in material strength due to a change in dimensions into consideration.
(1 year lease fee)
$1200 USD (U.S. list price only – Prices in other countries may vary and be quoted in other currency.)

General commercial conditions: The app is licensed solely subject to the terms and conditions contained in the clickwrap agreement that you agreed to in order to access the page containing the apps for sale (the "License Terms"). Notwithstanding the provisions of the License Terms to the contrary, for a Lease License, Licensee is entitled to Technical Enhancements that are made generally available during the applicable Lease License term. Any Customer Support will be provided strictly via email.


Strength Verification of Components

A lite-weight extension based on the FKM guideline, that allows for the static strength verification of non-welded components made of steel or aluminum alloy, within ANSYS mechanical.

Benefits of using SVC are:

  • standardized strength verification of parts and assemblies based on the well-know FKM guideline using local stresses
  • easy-to-use UI embedded within ANSYS mechanical
  • visual output in order to identify weak spots of the design
  • consideration of temperature, anisotropy and size effects on material properties

The following features are provided:

  • temperature factors for fine grain structural steel, other steel, age-hardening and non-age-hardening aluminum alloy
  • decrease in material strength usually observed with an increase in dimensions of a component for various steel material groups
  • individual load factors and safety factors based on the probability of occurrence as well as the consequences of failure

For more information refer to:

Strength Verification of Components V1 Documentation

Application Example:

Support Information

CE-SYS Engineering GmbH
Am Hammergrund 1
98693 Ilmenau