Target Application: Mechanical
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Displays the arbitrary data results stored in an external text file in Ansys Mechanical.
Target Application: Mechanical
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With this app, you can obtain the average value of the following result items (create a result object for the retrieval). - Structural analysis... Deformation / Rotation / Stress / Strain - Heat transfer analysis... Temperature/ Heat flux
Target Application: Mechanical
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This expansion predicts how cracks will occur due to cyclic loading and the number of cycles.
Target Application: Mechanical
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A feature that allows you to limit the output of the result to a specific geometry or load step and reduce the size of the result file.
Target Application: Mechanical
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CYBERNET Toolbox is a customized tool that makes Ansys Workbench more convenient to use.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This tool enables the user to edit the "enable"/"disable" setting of the contact step control and display it in a table using spreadsheet software such as Excel.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This extension allows you to fix the object at the position of the deformation that occurred during the analysis.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Frequency response function (FRF) evaluation extension using modal analysis results.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This extension makes it easy to configure general contact features that were previously only available in Mechanical APDL on Workbench Mechanical.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Japanese GUI Installer is an installer of Japanese GUI and message text files for Mechanical APDL.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This is an extension that extracts the contour legend in Mechanical's results display onto a dialog, allowing changes to values and settings to be made at once.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This tool makes it possible to change and save light source settings for all analysis systems in a project at once.