Target Application: Mechanical
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Automatically add/remove images/figures to the outline tree. Also support the views that are created via the View Manager or use 3d mouse to orient the model before taking the image/figure
Target Application: Mechanical
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Export the results from your solution to a .txt, .csv or .json file. Data can be exported to an Excel worksheet. Possible to store the data in a Matlab workspace. Most types of results are supported, including probe results and the stress and fatigue tool results.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Export the results from your solution to a .txt, .csv or .json file. Data can be exported to an Excel worksheet. Possible to store the data in a Matlab workspace. Most types of results are supported, including probe results and the stress and fatigue tool results.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Apply a load based on a user-defined input function that can contain multiple spatial variables. Support a variable pressure, variable line pressure and a variable heat flux
Target Application: Mechanical
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Select Bodies/Nodes/Elements based on results (e.g. VonMises stresses)
Target Application: Mechanical
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Calculate the stress safety based on a temperature dependent allowable stress values