Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Simplify repetitive multi-body adjustments by easily defining group and layer instances of similar yet independent solid bodies (e.g., bolts, screws, washers, ...)
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Easily make NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) airfoil geometry models for 3D fluid flow computations
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Create bend data table for 3D Pipes. Tables for Drawings and/or for Export to Files.
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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This provides an extra toolbar for SpaceClaim that adds support for Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK). It allows creation of STK "Attach Points" and "Articulations" on a SpaceClaim model, and a means to export the model to STK.
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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SpaceClaimXL allows the user to import a large assembly into SpaceClaimXL. You can view the assembly, search and select any sub-component to "move" into SpaceClaim.