Target Application: Systems
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Give the users the ability to install and use the ANSYS Battery Design Toolkit in Simplorer
Target Application: Systems
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Install the EKM model import toolkit onto Simplorer. User can use the toolkit to access and import the compatible model files on the EKM server into Simplorer
Target Application: Systems
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Give the ability to install and use the Infineon device library in Simplorer
Install the commercial Twin Builder Heating and Cooling libraries onto user’s machine. Includes Liquid Cooling library, Vapor Cycle library, Heat Exchanger and Modelon Base libraries. Twin Builder product and Twin Builder Heating and Cooling Library licenses need to be purchased separately from ANSYS
Target Application: Systems
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Give the user the ability to install and use the MaxwellTechnologies Ultracapacitor library in Simplorer. It includes 13 manufacture device models
Target Application: Systems
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Lidar Tools to assist with SPEOS Lidar simulation workflow. Complete with Lidar Senor Library, a generic peak detection post processing as well as a Point Cloud Viewer and Point Cloud Importer. To install, unzip the install folder, the installation steps can be found in the Read Me text file. A Tutorial for LIDAR tools is also available with the download.