Target Application: Mechanical
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Export results for multiple objects at once and have the data combined into a single output file, avoiding the need for multiple exports and manual collection/combination of the data. [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Multiharmonics App is based on ACT and DPF (Data Processing Framework). This App leverages DPF’s “fft_multi_harmonic_minmax” to improve the performance of the operations while also allowing a more accurate way of combining harmonic result than SRSS, where phase information is lost.
Target Application: SpaceClaim
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Easily make NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) airfoil geometry models for 3D fluid flow computations
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose the nonlinear diagnostics (NLDIAG) functionality in Mechanical to identify or display the highly distorted elements
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Model radiation fields of antennas and phased arrays without modelling geometry
Target Application: Embedded Software
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The Neural Networks Package for Embedded Software provides a framework for implementing embedded software based on neural networks using Ansys SCADE. The package allows to import a trained network into SCADE, using a library of common layers and activation functions.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose the MAPDL offshore features in Mechanical
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Create design points by sweeping parameter values
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose Coupled Field Physics, piezo-electric and MEMS solver capabilities in Workbench.
Target Application: Partners
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The ANSYS Preferred Solutions Partnership represents active membership in the ANSYS Solution Partner Program.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Automate the creation of paths & linearized stress results to meet pressure vessels standards
Target Application: Mechanical
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Show the deformed mesh in downstream prestressed analyses