Target Application: Embedded Software
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The Neural Networks Package for Embedded Software provides a framework for implementing embedded software based on neural networks using Ansys SCADE. The package allows to import a trained network into SCADE, using a library of common layers and activation functions.
Target Application: Workflow
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Allow a direct connection between ANSYS Workbench and OASIS, a powerful design exploration and optimization tool that can accelerate your design process. The plugin allows for simple setup of optimizations with your Workbench models
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose the MAPDL offshore features in Mechanical
Target Application: Mechanical
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This App, PVPCheck, calculates the offshore pipeline code stress according to Chapter VIII of ASME B31.8 in ANSYS Workbench Mechanical program.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Provide a dialog box with view controls for the Mechanical graphics window. The controls allow for Pan, Zoom and Rotate in a style similar to the controls available in the Mechanical APDL interface
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Create design points by sweeping parameter values
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Create curves using parametric equations. Any valid Python equation or function can be used to generate parametric curves, with the ability to mark up to 50 independent coefficients as Workbench parameters
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose Coupled Field Physics, piezo-electric and MEMS solver capabilities in Workbench.
Target Application: Fluent
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Calculate flow through a variety of porous models. Easily compute permeability and inertial resistance coefficients by providing velocity and pressure drop profiles from a .csv file. [Contains source code]
Target Application: Partners
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The ANSYS Preferred Solutions Partnership represents active membership in the ANSYS Solution Partner Program.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Automate the creation of paths & linearized stress results to meet pressure vessels standards
Target Application: Mechanical
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Show the deformed mesh in downstream prestressed analyses