Target Application: Mechanical
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Include realistic bulk material loads as standard in your ANSYS Mechanical structural analysis to optimize heavy equipment design and reduce reliance on hand calculations and prototyping
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose element birth and death functionality to deactivate and reactivate bodies or contacts during structural analysis in Mechanical
Target Application: Mechanical
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Ekill/Elive is quick and easy to use package for using ekill and elive commands directly in the ANSYS Mechanical. The package is equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy deactivation of elements in any time step.
Target Application: Systems
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Install the EKM model import toolkit onto Simplorer. User can use the toolkit to access and import the compatible model files on the EKM server into Simplorer
Target Application: Embedded Software
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The Electrification Package for Embedded Software provides a framework for implementing the monitoring and control software of electrified systems with Ansys SCADE. The provided libraries can be used for a variety of electrification applications from electric mobility (electric aircrafts, ground vehicles) to auxiliary power electric production and storage systems.
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Automate the coupling of Electromagnetic tools (HFSS, Maxwell 3D, Q3D) to Icepak in AEDT for an electro-thermal simulation
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Interface to draw the geometry and setup a solution for a transformer or inductor. A database of basic topologies and materials for the commonly used cores is included. Users can define their own winding strategy (Planar or Wound types) enabling automatic creation of all winding turns with rectangular or circular cross section. Automatically setup an Eddy Current Solution with (or without) a Frequency Sweep Definition. Consider the frequency dependent core permeability and core loss Steinmetz coefficients. Allow defining matrix connections. Process to create a frequency dependent R/L model which can be imported into ANSYS Simplorer as a Maxwell Dynamic Eddy Current component.
Target Application: Mechanical
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The extension allows to evaluate the time history of the energies like stiffness energy, kinetic energy, damping energy, work done by external load, artificial energy due to hourglass control/drill stiffness or due to contact stabilization damping, artificial energy due to nonlinear stabilization.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This Application allows the user to check and design their ANSYS Workbench models using the European EC2 and EC3 international construction standards for beams and shells, both Steel and Reinforced Concrete.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Estimate and plot the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) time step for Explicit Dynamics analyses, based on the currently-defined mesh and material properties, prior to executing the solution [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Utility for exporting all defined figures in the model tree.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Export the results from your solution to a .txt, .csv or .json file. Data can be exported to an Excel worksheet. Possible to store the data in a Matlab workspace. Most types of results are supported, including probe results and the stress and fatigue tool results.