Target Application: Mechanical
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Convert 2D geometry to 3D general axisymmetric elements (geometric axisymmetry with non-axisymmetric loading). See APDL element 272 or 273 for general features. Introduce custom constraint for rigid constraint equations for working with new axisymmetric sections [Contains source code]
Target Application: Fluent
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Gerotor toolkit is a Fluent based automated solution for design and analysis of gerotor pumps
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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Provide a seamless workflow between ANSYS Electronics Desktop and EMIT for creating EMIT models directly from suitable HFSS and Circuit design types
Target Application: AIM
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Automate the structural analysis of a hip implant based on ASTM F2996-13. This wizard leads you through the steps of Geometry Import, Material Property definition, Boundary Condition specification, Solution and Results evaluation [Contains source code]
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Easily create honeycomb core models from a few simple cell properties and bulk size specifications. [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose additional graphics action Hotkeys in Mechanical (and Meshing) application for quick access to some common tasks
Target Application: Mechanical
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Allow a user to assign their preferred hot keys (keyboard shortcuts) to custom scripted actions [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose hydrostatic fluid elements in Mechanical
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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This ACT helps automate the process of mapping Boundary Conditions (BCs) from one AEDT Icepak design to another.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Calculate the impact velocity for a transient structural simulation. The impact is based on the contact interaction between two or more bodies/parts
Target Application: DesignXplorer
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Import parameters and a solved Design of Experiments into a parameterless Workbench project for the purpose of performing a Response Surface Optimization
Target Application: Systems
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Give the ability to install and use the Infineon device library in Simplorer