Target Application: Mechanical
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Postprocessing tool for creating custom nodal or element contour plots.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This expansion predicts how cracks will occur due to cyclic loading and the number of cycles.
Target Application: Mechanical
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A feature that allows you to limit the output of the result to a specific geometry or load step and reduce the size of the result file.
Target Application: Mechanical
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CYBERNET Toolbox is a customized tool that makes Ansys Workbench more convenient to use.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Easily convert your APDL command objects / snippets into working ACT extensions. Make it easy to create your own custom apps with your own specific APDL code [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Apply a contact compressive only support with possibility to change contact settings (keyopts and real constants)
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Compressor blade design interface for Workbench, Design Modeler and DoX: 1) Compatible with centrifugal and mixed flow centrifugal compressors<br>2) Generate meridional view and blade definition through parametric bezier curves 3rd, 4th or 5th order.<br>3) Establish geometry design envelop constraints and relationships <br>4) Preliminary hub-shroud curvature optimization, max spherical diameter, blade angles beta, theta optimisations<br>2) Control, parametrise and drive the 3D model optimisations of a centrifugal compressor <br>3) Allow for geometrical relationships and constraints for fault-free design points solutions<br>5) Automatically generates 3D geometry with DM blade modeller<br>6) Establish relationships to explore design envelop compatible injection moulding manufacturing processes<br><br>I will be interested in discussing with you the capabilities for this framework and explore how this could be incorporated into ANSYS development tools.<br>
Target Application: Mechanical
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This tool enables the user to edit the "enable"/"disable" setting of the contact step control and display it in a table using spreadsheet software such as Excel.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose convection with pilot node capability in steady-state and transient thermal analyses.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Allow thermal exchange between nodal surfaces via convective links
Target Application: Mechanical
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One click to convert solid components into point mass with automatic calculations and assignments of total mass, center of gravity location, and moment of inertia [Contains source code]
Target Application: Mechanical
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Changes the material assignment of a layer of elements defined by a given layer thickness.