Target Application: AIM
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The app allows the user to create a guided simulation starting from an AIM project without writing any code
Target Application: Mechanical
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Displays the arbitrary data results stored in an external text file in Ansys Mechanical.
Target Application: Fluent
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Convert .csv file to Fluent profile setting to check time dependent condition graphically in this wizard and set it as Fluent profile
Target Application: Mechanical
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The Auto Submodel extension is the automation of the procedure in doing submodelling from the full model. No repetitive work needed for cutting full geometry, importing interface, resetting contacts, materials etc., as they are all automated.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This app enables applying scope (i.e., solids, faces, edges or vertexes) automatically to multiple solutions, therefore, reduces time required for preparing numerical model significantly.
Target Application: Fluent
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This app automates shape optimization process. You cannot only use multi-objective or multi-condition optimization but new method combining DesignXplorer and Adjoint Solver.
Target Application: Mechanical
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This App enables the creation of a simulation wizard based on a template simulation (Static or Transient Structural) without the need to write any xml or IronPython code
Target Application: Mechanical
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With this app, you can obtain the average value of the following result items (create a result object for the retrieval). - Structural analysis... Deformation / Rotation / Stress / Strain - Heat transfer analysis... Temperature/ Heat flux
Target Application: Systems
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Give the users the ability to install and use the ANSYS Battery Design Toolkit in Simplorer
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose the end release feature for beam elements and enable advanced graphic post-processing for beam results
Target Application: Mechanical
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Enable to apply a varying load on beam elements
Target Application: Mechanical
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Convert line bodies defined in Workbench to cables, trusses or compression only elements using link180 elements