Target Application: Workflow
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Creates a stress strain curve.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Perform local failure assessments according to ASME Section VIII division 2 part-5 for pressure vessels by calculating the local strain limit and a usage factor
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose 3D acoustics solver capabilities to perform acoustic, vibro-acoustic, contained fluid or immersed structure analyses
Target Application: Mechanical
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Adaptive ISPG ACT Extension for LS-DYNA
Target Application: Mechanical
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Automatically add/remove images/figures to the outline tree. Also support the views that are created via the View Manager or use 3d mouse to orient the model before taking the image/figure
Target Application: Mechanical
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Preview to automate the setup for additive manufacturing process simulation using the MAPDL thermal-structural solution. Require ANSYS Enterprise and an ANSYS Additive Suite license. Please contact your sales representative for an evaluation license
Target Application: DesignModeler
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Create fluid enclosure and decompose it to sweepable bodies [Contains source code]
Target Application: Partners
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The ANSYS Advanced Solutions Partnership represents active membership in the ANSYS Solution Partner Program.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Creates 1D Springs (COMBIN14 elements) either with a longitudinal or torsional behavior
Target Application: Mechanical
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Allow to use a .csv file to import analysis settings for time stepping [Contains source code]
Target Application: Electronics Desktop
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The Ansys Human Body Model (HBM) is a set of HFSS projects containing geometry and material proprieties that represent the human body.
Target Application: Mechanical
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Expose Topology Optimization capabilities in Workbench Mechanical.Optimized model can be exported and edited in SpaceClaim for performing validation study and/or 3D printing